Benefits of Membership in the MRA:
You CAN afford to advertise your business statewide using radio and internet
solutions. For 30 years, Learfield Communications has been helping Missouri
businesses build brand awareness and market share through their statewide radio
networks. They can show you innovative ideas for reaching a large audience at a
minimal price. For more information on how a custom plan can benefit your business,
contact account executive Paul Roberts at (573) 556-1237.
James Larsen received his doctorate from the University of Nebraska in a program that combined
studies of adult education and organizational behavior.  He owns a small consulting firm in Lincoln,
Nebraska named Management Resources. His research interest is in operational leadership, that is,
leadership on the level of small business owners, first-line supervisors, and those who manage
"I have a mission," says Dr. Larsen. "I believe the published research literature contains a treasure
trove of new findings that explain puzzling aspects of people at work and customers as they shop.
People in leadership positions who are aware of these findings have an advantage, and my mission
is to explain these new findings to people who want that advantage."
Every month, Dr. Larsen writes a new article describing recent findings, and you can read his articles
in this web site. Members may access these articles on our
NEWS page. (A username and
password are required).
For one low flat fee per account, NCS will take action on your behalf, including credit-bureau reporting.  No matter the size or
age of the account, NCS has a solution. All recovered money is sent directly to you, and there are no commissions or additional
fees—you keep 100% of the money collected.
Call NCS at 1-800-363-7215 ext. 6400, OR click the NCS logo to activate your account and order your Cash Recovery Kit and
claim forms.
National Credit Systems Provides Low-Cost Debt Collection
Reasonable rates, tenacious service and a high recovery percentage represent the
cornerstone of a new program providing bad debt recovery for MRA members. The
program is being provided by National Credit Systems (NCS), one of the nation's leading
collection service/accounts receivable management firms.
According to recent statistics, 61% of retailer
theft occurs from employees of the store.  
Missouri Retailers Association is assisting its
members to minimize this number by coordinating
with Missouri Criminal Records, LLC for
background check services.
Missouri Criminal Records, LLC runs employee background checks through the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s
(MSHP) criminal records database. Jodi Bates, president, commented,” The MSHP database is the only
statewide database.  It covers the entire 114 counties of Missouri and the National Sex Offender Registry.”  
In order to run a background check, only three items are needed: Name, Date of Birth and Social Security
Number.  Through our coordination to get the best price,  Missouri Criminal Records fee for MRA members is
$14.00 for each background check.  In addition, Missouri Criminal Records offers next business day
turnaround if the background check is received by 1:30 pm.  To run a Missouri Statewide background search/
National Sex Offender Registry simply logon to and enter the
information onto their secure website.

Missouri Criminal Records, LLC has been in business since 1996 and serves a large and diverse employer
population.  “We started out serving large manufactures and hotel industry but in the last 2-3 years the
majority of growth has been in the service industry, churches and schools.  We look forward to serving the
Missouri Retailers Association and its members,” Bates said.
To make an inquiry on benefits offered to members,
please email us at: